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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Little Men in Motion

I'll lead off with this cute picture of Eamon. He is such a sweet little guy. He always smiles at me when he realizes I am looking at him. He likes to be sung to, he likes to be snuggled, and he likes hugging me around my right arm with his left while I hold him.

Connor has been getting more interested in Eamon lately. Earlier today, he ran up to Eamon in the swing and gave him a kiss and started hugging him (a little too tight). When Eamon started fussing, Connor said, "Shh Eamon. Dada's got you." This is what I say when I'm trying to comfort him, and it made me laugh pretty hard to hear Connor repeat it.

Tonight I am continuing my trend of not writing anything for a long time, then just uploading a whole bunch of videos. These ones all came off our little dedicated video camera that we've had since before we owned smart phones. All stuff from around the house, where we spend most of our days, relaxing all cool.

This first one is just Connor being a little goof and making me laugh.

This little "tunnel" is something we had for Connor that I recently set up for Eamon. He almost immediately started bopping away at it. We realized he was doing it on purpose, and that this is his first intentional interaction with any toys!

Connor decided to join Eamon under the tunnel and blame his sneezes on him. This may gross some of you out, but Connor recently pooped in the bath, and he blamed that on Eamon, too.

Connor and I have a lot of fun with these blocks that Becca got from Woot. I'm always trying to come up with some new structure to build for Connor's entertainment. This one was a big hit with him. He played in it for a few minutes before knocking it down!

This turned out to be a great video showing what it's like when Connor plays on the bed. Note his total disregard for Eamon's safety and the couple of close calls of him falling on Eamon.

This video almost gets a little boring, but then... surprise ending!

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