Last week after coming back from Chattanooga, Connor started having a seriously runny nose. Then I started having a seriously runny nose and it turned into full blown sickness. I got really sick! It was the sickest I've been in a long time. I was exhausted, and coughing like crazy (I still am). Patrick got somewhat sick as well, and started sleeping in the guest room to help Connor sleep. Connor got used to having all the extra room and we're still trying to figure out how to be comfortable. He wants to sleep in positions that don't work with having my arm under him, but he doesn't want me to stop having my arm under him. He also was waking up during his 3-4 AM feeding, so I was putting him in his own crib to sleep the last few hours of the night. Last night he didn't wake up though and it was really hard for me to sleep. I'm not sure if Connor is trying to transition to sleeping on his own or not. I feel like he should be physically ready to not eat for at least 8 hours in the middle of the night, but I'm not totally sure how to get him to stop. We'll figure it out though!
He's so pretty.
Reading at book in his cold weather clothes last week.
Looking at the front yard.
See, so pretty!
We have so many irises in our yard, but these variegated one are so beautiful.
He really is so pretty.